
Showing posts from August, 2014

Important Debian commands

#  echo "test" | mail -s "test" : to check sendmail working # sudo service --status-all # find /etc -name "NAME_OF_FILE" # sudo passwd : to change root password # sudo apt-get autoremove # sudo adduser USER # sudo userdel USER # sudo df -h : to get hard disk usage info # tree : to list down the folder structure. apt-get install tree for installation # sudo netstat -tulpn : to see what services are runing # sudo netstat -tapen | grep ":8000 ": check what port 8000 running # log file reading tail, less, last, lastlog # sudo apt-cache : to get more information about repositories # sudo add-apt-repository : to update your system with unsupported packages. Ex. add-apt-repository ppa:nginx/stable =============== File permission ========================================= permission groups Owner | group | all users Permission types read | write | execute ls -l or ll - to see the file permission granted...

Ant based YUI Javascript CSS compressor

How install ant on Debian: >sudo apt-get install ant Setup compressor: # Download the pre-setup bundle from the following location, # You may update the latest YUI jar file from, # Change the build.xml file as necessary with all the CSS and JS files to be merged and compressed. # The pre-setup compressor will make compressed JS and CSS files to the root location.