
Showing posts from 2024

NestJS Basic Concepts (V 10.X)

 Main Building Blocks Controller - Handle incoming request Services - Handle business logic Modules - Group together everything Pipes - Validate incoming data Filters - Handle incoming errors Guards - Handle authentication Interceptors - Adding extra data to incoming request or to response Repositories - Handle data stored in DB How to generate Nest project using Nest CLI? First, need to install Nest CLI on computer, npm install -g @nestjs/cli Then, create a new project using nest new <project_name> This will generate the boilerplate for the project The entry point of the application is main.ts file. It is calling main AppModule, 3 files attached with the main.ts , app.module.ts - The entry point app.controller.ts  app.service.ts Rest of the modules should be included to the AppModule as bellow,