
Showing posts from 2017

Angular 5

Angular 5 released a few days ago. Let's try to go through all the important features that we want to know, in order to create a super application. First, you need to install angular CLI to make your life easier. You can run the bellow code to install angular CLI as a global package,  npm install -g @angular/cli All the needed helps are located at . You can directly use the 'ng' commands provided there to create Component, Directive, Service, Interface, etc... When you use the tool, it will be inject all the import lines into the 'app-module' automatically. Before start looking into the Angular, you need to have some development tools installed in your computer. I prefer to use 'Microsoft Visual Code' which is free software from Microsoft. You can download the appropriate installer for your operating system from here Once you install VS Code, you may install the followin...

Laravel 5.3

# Create a new project composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel <project-name> # Check existing version php artisan -V # Make controllers php artisan make:controller ProductController # Make models php artisan make:model <modal name> # Make views # Database Using migration script: - Migration scripts will be stored at 'database/migrations' folder - Can create a blueprint of migration script using,   php artisan make:migration <name of script to identify> --create=<table name>   eg. php artisan make:migration create_table_customer --create=customer - Can get the help using,    php artisan help make:migration - Can run all the migration scripts using,   php artisan migrate - Can rollback current change using,   php artisan migrate:rollback # Seeder - seeding database with test data using seed classes - Create seeding script   php artisan make:seeder <seeder name> ...