Laravel 5.3
# Create a new project
composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel <project-name>
# Check existing version
php artisan -V
# Make controllers
php artisan make:controller ProductController
# Make models
php artisan make:model <modal name>
# Make views
# Database
Using migration script:
- Migration scripts will be stored at 'database/migrations' folder
- Can create a blueprint of migration script using,
php artisan make:migration <name of script to identify> --create=<table name>
eg. php artisan make:migration create_table_customer --create=customer
- Can get the help using,
php artisan help make:migration
- Can run all the migration scripts using,
php artisan migrate
- Can rollback current change using,
php artisan migrate:rollback
# Seeder - seeding database with test data using seed classes
- Create seeding script
php artisan make:seeder <seeder name>
eg. php artisan make:seeder CustomerTableSeeder
- How run all seeds
php artisan db:seed
- Run individual seed
php artisan db:seed --class= CustomerTableSeeder
- When need remove all tables, create all again and seed from the beginning,
php artisan migrate:refresh --seed
# General utility functions
- To catch http request - $request->input('name', '<default value>');
# Tinker
- php artisan tinker
- When we need to print sql statement on tinker,
DB::listen(function($query) { var_dump($query->sql); });
# Debugging techniques
- Write out executed SQLs
DB::listen(function ($query){
var_dump($query->sql, $query->bindings);
- Log info
Log::info('some info'); // use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;
# General
- Clean up package: php artisan clear-compiled
- How add composer added packages to laravel:
- How create dummy records on tables
composer require fzaninotto/faker --dev : seems this is now ships with laravel package itself
# Get help any time:
- php artisan list
- php artisan help <any command>
eg. php artisan help make:controller
# REST Application demo:
composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel <project-name>
# Check existing version
php artisan -V
# Make controllers
php artisan make:controller ProductController
# Make models
php artisan make:model <modal name>
# Make views
# Database
Using migration script:
- Migration scripts will be stored at 'database/migrations' folder
- Can create a blueprint of migration script using,
php artisan make:migration <name of script to identify> --create=<table name>
eg. php artisan make:migration create_table_customer --create=customer
- Can get the help using,
php artisan help make:migration
- Can run all the migration scripts using,
php artisan migrate
- Can rollback current change using,
php artisan migrate:rollback
# Seeder - seeding database with test data using seed classes
- Create seeding script
php artisan make:seeder <seeder name>
eg. php artisan make:seeder CustomerTableSeeder
- How run all seeds
php artisan db:seed
- Run individual seed
php artisan db:seed --class= CustomerTableSeeder
- When need remove all tables, create all again and seed from the beginning,
php artisan migrate:refresh --seed
# General utility functions
- To catch http request - $request->input('name', '<default value>');
# Tinker
- php artisan tinker
- When we need to print sql statement on tinker,
DB::listen(function($query) { var_dump($query->sql); });
# Debugging techniques
- Write out executed SQLs
DB::listen(function ($query){
var_dump($query->sql, $query->bindings);
- Log info
Log::info('some info'); // use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;
# General
- Clean up package: php artisan clear-compiled
- How add composer added packages to laravel:
- How create dummy records on tables
composer require fzaninotto/faker --dev : seems this is now ships with laravel package itself
# Get help any time:
- php artisan list
- php artisan help <any command>
eg. php artisan help make:controller
# REST Application demo: