Mobile application using Ionic

This is my first mobile (hybrid) application created using Ionic framework. I am using Mac OS along with the Android Studio/Android SDK to compile and simulate the application. Here are the steps need to follow from the sketch.

First, need to install Ionic and Cordova on your Mac/PC,

npm install -g cordova ionic

Can check all installed properly using the following commands,

ionic -v AND cordova -v

Second, need to install and setup Android SDK,

The simple way in install Android Studio and to go,

Tools->Android->SDK Manager

Can see all the available android versions over there. Do check the appropriate version you want and proceed with the installation.

Then make sure that, android PATH set in the global paths. To do that simply open ~/.bash_profile and add the following lines,

export ANDROID_HOME="Users/<USERNAME>/Library/Android/sdk"
export PATH=${PATH}:/Users/<USERNAME>/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools:/Users/<USERNAME>/Library/Android/sdk/tools/bin

Then reload the configuration,

source ~./bash_profile

After than, you need to Gradle installed in you system.

First, make sure that JDK/JVM installed,

java --version

Then, you can download and install gradle from the following link,

I found the above link from You can install it manually using the 'Install manually' section. Please use the 'complete' option. After download, you can extract the contents to the location wherever you need. I used the following location,


Then, set the path,

export PATH=/usr/local/gradle-4.5/bin:$PATH

Then reload the configuration,

source ~./bash_profile

Check the version of Gradle,

gradle -v

Now, all good to go with the application implimentation

# Generate project boilerplate with tabs

ionic start <appName> tabs

# Run application

ionic serve

# Create a new module/page

ionic g page <pageName>

# Create a new service/provider

ionic g provider <providerName>

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